Jobs In Pakistan

National TB Control Program Jobs – Online Apply

The Provincial TB Control Program Invites Eligible Individuals To Apply For Various Positions, Including District TB Officer (M-2), Dr.-TB Treatment Support Coordinator, Lab Technician BSL-II Lab, Lab Technician Genexpert, Community Support Officer, Medical Imaging Technician-Mobile X-Ray Van, and Support Staff.

The Daily Dawn newspaper published the employment advertisement for these positions. These are the most recent positions available within the provincial TB control program.

You may submit your application prior to the deadline if you are interested and possess the necessary educational qualifications.

Details of National TB Control Program Jobs

Education RequirementMBBS, BDS, Intermediate, Matric, Diploma, Literate
Number of PostsMultiple
DepartmentProvincial TB Control Program
SourceDaily Dawn Newspaper
LocationKPk, Pakistan

Benefits of National TB Control Program Jobs

  • Reducing the Incidence of Tuberculosis: The incidence of tuberculosis within a country is one of the program’s primary objectives. This is accomplished through efforts in early diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
  • Enhancing Public Health: By promptly identifying and treating TB cases, the program contributes to overall public health. This not only benefits individual patients but also prevents the disease’s spread throughout the community.
  • Early Diagnosis: The program emphasizes early detection of tuberculosis cases, which is crucial for effective treatment and reducing the risk of disease transmission.
  • Effective Therapy: By providing standardized and effective treatment regimens, the program facilitates the recovery of tuberculosis patients and reduces the emergence of drug-resistant strains of the disease.
  • Against drug resistance: National TB Control Programs work to prevent the emergence and spread of drug-resistant strains of tuberculosis, which are more difficult and costly to treat.
  • Contact Follow-up: The program identifies and tests individuals who may have been exposed to TB patients through contact tracing. This facilitates early detection and treatment.
  • Wellness Education: National TB Control Programs frequently include health education and awareness campaigns to educate the general public on TB prevention, symptoms, and treatment.
  • Enhancement of Laboratory Services: The program could enhance laboratory facilities and services to ensure an accurate and timely diagnosis of tuberculosis.
  • Therapeutic Access: A key objective is to make TB treatment accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. This may involve offering complimentary or subsidized medication and treatment.
  • Observation and Evaluation: National TB Control Programs establish systems for monitoring and evaluating the program’s efficacy, allowing for necessary adjustments and enhancements.
  • Eliminating Stigma: These programs aim to reduce the social stigma associated with tuberculosis, which discourages people from seeking diagnosis and treatment.
  • Global Partnership: Numerous National TB Control Programs partner with international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and non-governmental organizations, to gain access to resources, technical expertise, and funding.
  • Research and Development: The program may support research and innovation in the fields of tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, leading to the development of more effective instruments and strategies.
  • Collecting and Reporting Information: For monitoring the tuberculosis (TB) situation in a country and making informed decisions, it is crucial to acquire and report accurate data.
  • Reduced Financial Burden: National TB Control Programs can reduce the economic impact of tuberculosis on individuals and healthcare systems by preventing new cases and providing effective treatment.

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Position Name of National TB Control Program Jobs

  • District TB Officer (M-2)
  • Dr. TB Treatment Support Coordinator
  • Lab Technician, BSL-II Lab
  • Lab Technician Genexpert
  • Community Support Officer
  • Medical Imaging Technician-Mobile X-Ray Van
  • Support Staff

Apply Process of National TB Control Program Jobs

Eligible and interested candidates should carefully read the advertisement for a complete job description and application instructions.


More Info


People Also Ask:

  1. What is the national program for TB control?

    The National TB Control Program was started in 1962 with the aim of detecting cases as early as possible and treating them. In the district, the program is implemented through the district Tuberculosis Center (DTC) and the primary health institutions.

  2. Is TB treatment free in Pakistan?

    Our study emphasizes the fact that patients’ financial burdens continue to increase in Pakistan despite the availability of free treatment due to overall catastrophic costs.

  3. What is the TB NGO in Pakistan?

    Pakistan Anti-TB Association (PATA) is a community-based non-profit and non-government organization working exclusively for the treatment, rehabilitation, and welfare of TB patients across Pakistan.

Asim Khan

Asim Khan is a distinguished author and career consultant with an exceptional background in guiding individuals towards achieving their professional aspirations. With a wealth of experience in career development and a profound understanding of the intricacies of the job market, Asim has emerged as a beacon of guidance for those seeking to carve out a successful career path.

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