Visa Sponsorship Jobs

E-3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in USA for Foreigners 2024

International professionals are attracted to the United States for employment due to its strong economy and wide range of job prospects. A unique opportunity is presented to foreign nationals pursuing employment in the United States via the E-3 visa. We will discuss what the E-3 visa is, its possible applications, and how to locate sponsoring employment in the United States.

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What is an E-3 Visa?

E-3 visas are non-immigrant visas that are specifically designed to permit employment in the United States for Australian nationals. It was established by the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) and is designed for professionals who possess exceptional skills in particular fields.

List of E-3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in USA for Foreigners:

Eligibility for E-3 Visa:

A multitude of requirements must be satisfied to obtain an E-3 visa. A genuine job offer from a U.S.-based company, the possession of the required talents and experience, and a desire to work in a specific industry are some of these requirements.

Benefits of E-3 Visa Sponsorship:

  • Specified Employment Opportunities: E-3 visas are reserved for workers entering the United States in specialized occupations that frequently demand advanced degrees of education, specialized knowledge, or particular abilities.
  • Authorization to Work for Spouses: Spouses of E-3 visa holders are eligible to apply for work authorization, which would enable them to actively pursue employment in the United States. This would add to the family’s financial stability.
  • Extension of Visa: Eligible individuals who maintain E-3 visa requirements are granted indefinite renewal in two-year increments. This provision enables the individual to secure long-term employment opportunities in the United States.
  • No Cap Restrictions: In contrast to the H-1B visa, which imposes an annual limit on the number of visas issued, the E-3 visa is restricted to Australian citizens only and does not possess such a restriction, thereby affording job seekers greater flexibility.
  • Provision of Employer Sponsorship: Organizations that are inclined to provide sponsorship for the E-3 visa exhibit a dedication to recruiting foreign personnel and may even present prospects for professional advancement within the organization.
  • Compound Intention: Dual intent allows E-3 visa holders to pursue a green card (permanent residency) while in possession of the visa, thereby potentially securing perpetual residency in the United States.
  • Enhancing Skills and Education: Engaging in employment within the United States while holding an E-3 visa can provide individuals with the chance to enrich their skill set, acquire global work experience, and cooperate with experts from various nationalities.
  • Gaining Entry into the United States Labor Market: Having an E-3 visa enables one to participate in the thriving employment market in the United States, potentially leading to increased earnings, career progression, and industry exposure.
  • A Cultural Exploration: Residing and working in the United States offers individuals the opportunity to gain firsthand exposure to American culture, engage with diverse communities, and potentially expand their professional connections.
  • Possibility of Entrepreneurship: By exploring opportunities to launch their own enterprises or entrepreneurial ventures in the United States, E-3 visa holders can contribute to economic growth and innovation.

Work and Live in the U.S.

The most significant benefit of an E-3 visa is the ability to work openly in the United States. This visa is exclusively granted to Australian citizens who possess the requisite specialized skills and abilities for specific employment opportunities in the United States. You can pursue enticing employment opportunities in the United States and gain valuable work experience with an authorized E-3 visa.


Dependent Visas:

The E-3 visa grants permission for the entry of one’s spouse and dependent children into the United States. Your companion may be granted permission to work in the United States by obtaining an E-3D visa. Additionally, children who reside at home with their parents may use E-3D cards to travel to college or school in the United States. Family-friendly, the E-3 visa is an excellent alternative for laborers who wish to reside in the United States with their families.


Renewal and Extension of E-3 Visa:

In contrast to numerous other nonimmigrant visas, E-3 visas are perpetually renewable. While the initial validity of an E-3 visa is typically for a maximum of two years, it is potentially renewable indefinitely in increments of two years. This means that you are permitted to work and remain in the United States for an extended period, provided you maintain employment and comply with visa requirements. Due to its simplicity of renewal and extension, Australian workers who wish to work in the United States for an extended period frequently use the E-3 visa.

Eligibility Requirements for E-3 Visa Sponsorship:

Several requirements must be met to obtain an E-3 visa; these are in place to guarantee that only capable Australian laborers are granted authorization to operate within the United States. Important prerequisites for acquiring an E-3 visa include the following:

Educational Qualifications

You must possess the required education for the career you intend to pursue in the United States to qualify for an E-3 visa. The position requires a bachelor’s degree and requires candidates to be qualified to perform the duties associated with the role. Among other things, prizes and transcripts may be necessary to establish your eligibility.

Job Offer from a U.S. Employer

An official employment offer from a U.S. employer is mandatory before submitting an E-3 visa application. Your employer will initiate the visa application process on your behalf and serve as your sponsor. In the employment offer, all pertinent details, including the job description, duties, and compensation, should be specified.

Specialty Occupation Criteria

A specialty job typically necessitates a minimum of a bachelor’s degree and often further academic pursuits to acquire the requisite knowledge and skills. The position that has been extended to you must be categorized as a “specialty occupation.” Only an Australian specialist with the required skills can complete the project due to its extreme specialization and complexity.

Labor Condition Application (LCA)

Before submitting the E-3 visa petition to United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), your supervisor is required to obtain from the United States Department of Labor an approved Labor Condition Application (LCA). The LCA guarantees that you will be compensated at the industry average and that your employment will not negatively impact the working conditions of Americans.

Before applying for an E-3 visa, ensure that you possess all required documents and satisfy all eligibility requirements. By fulfilling these requirements, one can enhance their prospects of obtaining an E-3 visa and commencing a stimulating professional journey in the United States.

E-3 Visa Application Process:

You may initiate the application process once you have obtained a job offer from a U.S. organization and verified that you satisfy the prerequisites for an E-3 visa. Form DS-160 completion, the gathering of pertinent documents, and the scheduling of an interview at the US Embassy or Consulate are all essential steps in acquiring an E-3 visa. Let’s examine each step in greater detail:

Gathering Required Documents

Before applying for an E-3 visa, ensure you have all the required documentation. The subsequent documents are mandatory:

  • Passport: Ensure that your passport retains its validity for a minimum of six months after your intended departure from the United States.
  • Letter of Job Offer: Request a formal letter of job offer from your prospective U.S. employer. It ought to contain details such as your job title, salary, and responsibilities.
  • Academic Credentials: Provide transcripts and credentials as evidence of your educational capabilities, indicating that you possess the requisite educational background for the specific role.
  • Labor Condition Application (LCA): It is incumbent upon your employer to procure a U.S. LCA certified by the Department of Labor; this ensures that your job complies with US labor regulations.
  • Petition Approval Notice (Form I-129): If your employer has previously submitted a Form I-129, Petition for Nonimmigrant Worker, and obtained USCIS approval, please enclose the notice of approval.
  • Proof of Australian Citizenship: Documents attesting to one’s Australian citizenship must be procured, including but not limited to a birth certificate and passport.
  • Photographs: Construct two images of passport size that meet the specifications for a United States visa.
  • Visa application fee: Payment of the visa application fee is required.

Filing the Form DS-160

The next stage is to complete Form DS-160, Online Application for a Nonimmigrant Visa. Your visa interview will be conducted under the information you provide on this form, making it an essential component of the visa application procedure. The DS-160 form must be filled out and submitted via the Consular Electronic Application Center (CEAC) website. A proof page containing a barcode will be emailed to you upon completion of the form. It is recommended that you bring a hard copy of this page to your visa interview.

Scheduling an Interview at the U.S. Embassy or Consulate

  • The final stage, following the completion of the DS-160 and possession of all required documents, is to arrange an interview at the United States Embassy or Consulate in your country of origin. As well as determining your eligibility, the interview is a vital component of the visa application procedure because it enables the consulate officer to ascertain your motivations for visiting the United States.
  • Follow the instructions for visa applicants on the website of the US Embassy or Consulate in your native country to schedule an interview. You must be prepared to pay any visa processing fees that may apply. Attend the interview with all required documentation, including the DS-160 confirmation page, and be ready to respond to inquiries regarding the job offer, your qualifications, and your intentions to work in the United States.
  • After engaging in the discourse, the consular official will render a determination regarding your visa application. You will be granted an E-3 visa, which grants you permission to reside and work in the United States for the duration of your visa, pending approval.

Challenges and Limitations of E-3 Visa Sponsorship:

Before applying, candidates should be apprised of the E-3 visa’s restrictions and challenges, notwithstanding the numerous benefits and prospects it presents. The following are several severe concerns and limitations that are linked to the E-3 visa:

Numerical Cap

In contrast to certain other types of work visas, the annual authorization limit for E-3 visas stands at 10,500. This means that no additional E-3 visas can be issued until the start of the subsequent fiscal year, once the annual quota has been met. A quota that is quickly attained could potentially render obtaining an E-3 visa unattainable, if not unfeasible, due to the restricted number of applicants. By submitting their applications early in the fiscal year, applicants improve their likelihood of successfully obtaining the visa.

Dual Intent Not Allowed

An inherent constraint of the E-3 visa is its impracticability for dual-purpose utilization. An individual in possession of a nonimmigrant visa may concurrently petition for temporary status and permanent registration in the United States. E-3 visa applicants are required to provide evidence of their intention to repatriate to Australia upon the expiration of their current term in the United States. This may pose a challenge for individuals in ascertaining their prospective eligibility for green card acquisition and subsequent permanent residency.

No Self-Employment

An additional drawback of the E-3 visa is that it precludes the holder from engaging in self-employment or establishing an enterprise. An E-3 visa holder is authorized to work exclusively in the capacity specified on their visa application while sponsored by a particular U.S. employer. The new employer of an E-3 visa holder is required to submit a fresh Form I-129 petition to the USCIS. This restriction could potentially impede individuals’ ability to establish their enterprises or engage in unrestricted employment within the United States.

Temporary Nature of the Visa

As a nonimmigrant visa, the E-3 is exclusively authorized for brief periods of employment in the United States. A two-year validity period is standard for the visa, which is renewable for an additional two years. E-3 visas do not, nevertheless, provide an immediate route to permanent residency. If you plan to remain in the United States for a significant duration, you might be required to investigate alternative visa alternatives or green card applications.

Dependence on Employer Sponsorship

Due to the E-3 visa’s affiliation with a particular organization, legal status in the United States is contingent upon the employer. The E-3 visa holder may have a limited amount of time to locate alternative employment and have their new employer submit a fresh petition on their behalf if their employment is terminated. This dependence on employer-provided sponsorship could potentially result in complications and uncertainty in the event of a termination of employment.

In addition to carefully considering their circumstances, applicants for E-3 visas should be aware of the aforementioned restrictions and issues. Individuals who encounter challenges with the E-3 visa could potentially gain advantages by consulting with immigration experts and investigating alternative routes to immigration.

Finding an E-3 Visa Sponsor:

A work offer from a U.S. corporation is a key aspect of obtaining an E-3 visa. Here are some good approaches to finding an E-3 visa sponsor:

Online Job Portals

Employment websites and online job forums are valuable resources for locating sponsorship opportunities for E-3 visas. Numerous job search engines provide the capability to filter job advertisements in favor of foreign workers who need visa sponsorship. Utilize your qualifications and skills to find employment and submit applications to organizations with a track record of assisting international workers in obtaining visas. Tailor your curriculum vitae and cover letter to emphasize your distinct proficiencies and their alignment with the job’s prerequisites.

Networking and Referrals

Establishing relationships with individuals can significantly facilitate the search for an E-3 visa sponsor. Opportunities to network with industry professionals and potential employers can be found at job fairs, conferences, and industry events. Engage in professional social media groups and online networks that are pertinent to your industry. You can network with others in your industry and gain knowledge of job openings there. Due to their ability to vouch for your credentials and proficiency, referrals from friends who work for American corporations can be extremely helpful.

Contacting U.S. Companies Directly

You can also be proactive by reaching out to U.S.-based businesses that share your professional goals and level of expertise. Determine whether companies in your industry have hired foreign workers in the past, and reach out to their human resources departments or recruiting managers. Express your interest in employment with their organization, provide a summary of your qualifications, and consult about available positions. Illustrate your sincerity and enthusiasm for joining their organization through the use of targeted and customized correspondence.

LinkedIn and Professional Networking Sites

LinkedIn is an exceptional platform for professional networking and the pursuit of new opportunities. Develop a captivating LinkedIn profile that emphasizes your aptitudes, knowledge, and achievements. Establish connections with professionals in your industry, including recruiters and marketers. Participate in thought-provoking dialogues and exhibit your expertise by making pertinent contributions and materials. LinkedIn networking can provide unforeseen prospects and individuals who may be able to assist with your E-3 visa.

Industry-specific Job Boards and Associations

Investigate professional organizations and job platforms that pertain to your area of expertise. Regularly, these websites exhibit job postings from organizations in search of skilled personnel, with certain advertisements targeting individuals from abroad who need visa sponsorship. Participating in association events and subscribing to industry newsletters can provide valuable insights into relevant employment opportunities.

Bear in mind that securing a sponsor for an E-3 visa necessitates determination and perseverance. Be proactive, demonstrate your skills and credentials, and maintain a positive and professional attitude at all times when seeking employment. Engaging in consultations with immigration specialists and seeking professional assistance can prove advantageous throughout the visa funding procedure.

Some Common Misconceptions about E-3 Visa Sponsorship:

Although the E-3 visa is an exceptional opportunity for Australians desiring to work in the United States, a considerable number of individuals are misinformed regarding this visa category. Let us rectify these misunderstandings and examine the functioning of E-3 visa funds.

Only for Australians

  • Misconception: A prevalent fallacy is that E-3 visas are restricted to Australian citizens and that only Australians are eligible to apply for them.
  • Reality: The Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement produced the E-3 visa to accommodate Australian nationals only. Nevertheless, individuals other than Australians are eligible to obtain this type of visa. Although the majority of E-3 visa holders are Australian citizens, individuals from other nations may qualify under specific conditions. Non-Australian citizens must satisfy the same eligibility requirements as Australian citizens. For instance, they must possess the credentials and proficiencies necessary to obtain specialized employment in the United States.

Limited Industry Eligibility

  • Misconception: There exists a misconception among certain individuals that the E-3 visa is exclusively applicable to personnel employed in particular industries or enterprises, potentially precluding professionals from other fields from utilizing it.
  • Reality: In actuality, the E-3 visa does not impose limitations on employment or sector. The position, not the organization, specifies the eligibility requirements. The E-3 visa stipulates that the work must be categorized as a “specialty occupation,” which necessitates not only a bachelor’s degree or higher but also specialized expertise. The E-3 visa is available to individuals from a variety of industries and fields who are employed in a “specialty occupation.”

Immediate Availability of Visa

  • Misconception: Certain individuals hold the view that acquiring an E-3 visa is uncomplicated and that the application process is expeditious.
  • Reality: In reality, getting an E-3 visa is a difficult process that requires several steps, including setting up an interview at a US Embassy or Consulate, getting a certified Labor Condition Application (LCA), and then getting an LCA. This is an exceptional opportunity for skilled workers. Furthermore, there is an annual limit of 10,500 E-3 certificates that can be issued. Applicants may be required to wait until the subsequent fiscal year for new visa numbers to become available, once the maximum has been reached. Consequently, the process of acquiring an E-3 visa could be protracted. To optimize their likelihood of being accepted, candidates ought to proactively strategize and submit their applications in the early stages of the fiscal year.

How Much Salary of E-3 Visa Sponsor:

The compensation of an E-3 visa sponsor may differ based on factors such as professional designation, geographical placement, and proficiency level. An E-3 visa-supporting occupation in the United States yields an annual salary of $77,883. Pay for these positions ranges from $59,000 to $132,500 on average.

Website to Find E-3 Visa Sponsorship Jobs in USA:

Frequently Asked Questions:

  1. How do I get an E-3 visa for the USA?

    The E-3 Visa Process
    The employer files a labor condition application with the U.S. Department of Labor.
    The candidate submits DS-160, pays $315, and attends an appointment at a U.S. Consulate outside of the US.
    The candidate receives an E3 visa and starts a new job.

  2. Is it hard to get an E-3 visa? 

    The application process for the E-3 visa is relatively easy when compared to the H-1B visa. It is generally assumed that you can obtain your E-3 visa within a week of your interview at the US Consulate. You can apply to change status between H-1B and E-3 visas.

  3. Who is eligible for an E-3 visa? 

    The E3 visa is available exclusively to Australian nationals with a bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience who have a job offer in the U.S. in a specialty occupation that pays at or above the prevailing wage for that position. The E3 visa also includes the holder’s spouse and children under 21.

Asim Khan

Asim Khan is a distinguished author and career consultant with an exceptional background in guiding individuals towards achieving their professional aspirations. With a wealth of experience in career development and a profound understanding of the intricacies of the job market, Asim has emerged as a beacon of guidance for those seeking to carve out a successful career path.

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